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Special Collections and Archives (Superstition)

ផ្សាយថ្ងៃទី 25 Jan 2025

(កាសែតឯករាជ្យជាតិ ផ្សាយតាមបណ្តាញសង្គម)
A treatise and discussion on the nature of various superstitions and superstitious beliefs, from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century.
Aubrey, John, Miscellaneous: viz. I. Death-days. II. Domestic deaths. III. Ostentatious. IV. Ghosts. V. Dreams. VI. Apparitions. VII. Voices. VIII. Impulses. IX. Knocking. X. Blowing by invisible means. XI. Prophecies. XII. Miracles. XIII. Magic. XIV. Transport by air. XV. Seeing in beryl or glass. XVI. Conversations with angels and spirits. XVII. Corps-candles in Wales. XVIII. Oracles. XIX. Exstasie. XX. Love-gazing. Jealousy. XXI. Second sightings (London 1696). Cardiff Rare Book Collection: English original Octavos, BF1410.A8.
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Aubrey, John, Miscellanies on the following topics: I. Day-fatality. II. Domestic death. III. Ostentatious. IV. The grave. V. Dreams. VI. Apparitions. VII. Voices. VIII. Impulses. IX. Knocking. X. Blowing invisibly. XI. Prophecy. XII. Miracles. XIII. Magic. XIV. Air transport. XV. Seeing in beryl or glass. XVI. Conversations with Angels and Spit. XVII. Corps-candles in Wales. XVIII. Oracles. XIX. Extasie. XX. The Look of Love and Jealousy. XXI. The Second Sight. XXII. The Discovery of Two Murders by One Appearance (2nd edition with larger additions, (London, 1721)) Rare Book Collection Cardiff: Early English Octavos, BF1410.A8.
Bayle, Pierre, Various Occasions Reflected by the Comet Appearing in December 1680: Most Tends to the Popular Superstitious Explosion, Written to the Doctors of the Sorbon, (London, 1708), SCOLAR @ Newport: The Road to Enquiry at the Table, PQ1714.B3.A61.P3.
Borlase, William, The Antiquities, History, and Monuments of the County of Cornwall: Comprising Many Essays on the First Peoples, Superstitions, Customs, and Remains of the Most Remote Antiquities in Great Britain and the British Isles, as Illustrative and Proved by the Monuments Now Extant in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, with a Vocabulary in the Cornu-British Language (London, 1769). Salisbury Folio WG30 (1769).
Browne, Thomas, Sir, Pseudodoxia epidemica: Or, An Inquiry into the Several Tenets Received and Commonly Supposed Truths: Together with the Religio medici, (London, the sixth and last edition, corrected and expanded by the author, 1672). Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Octavos, PR3327.A7.P8.
Browne, Thomas, Sir, The Works of Sr Thomas Brown, Kt. Doctor of Physicism, late of Norwich : containing I. An Inquiry into Common Errors and Mistakes. II. Religious Medicine: with Annotations and Observations thereon. III. Hydriotapia; or, Urn-Burial: together with the Gardens of Cyrus. IV. Some Miscellaneous Pamphlets. With an Alphabetical Table (London 1686). Cardiff Rare Book Collection: Early English Folios, PR3327.A1.C86.
Cartwright, Thomas, The Rhemists' Confusion of Translations, Glosses, and Annotations on the New Testament: So Far as They Contain Impurities, Heresies, Idolatry, Superstitions, Prophecies, Treasons, Slanders, Irrationality, Falsehoods, and Other Evils, Whereunto the Sense, Scope, and Doctrine of the Scriptures, and Humane Authors, Are Given by Them, Are Now Given (Leiden, 1618). Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Folios, BS2081.C2.
Cawdrey, Daniel, Diatribe triplex, or a Triple Exercise: Concerning 1. Superstition, 2. Will-worship, 3. Christmas Festivall, with the Reverend and Learned Dr Hammond, (London, 1654). Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Octavos, BL490.C2.
Curzon, Henry, The universal Library: or, a compleat summary of science: containing above 60 select treatises. In two volumes. I. Of theology, philosophy, ethics, economics, religion, games used in ancient festivals, metals, elements, geography, hydrology, travel, government, chronology, history, law, coins, medals, weights and measures, meteorology, rarities, mankind in the different sexes of man and woman, physick, chyrurgery, chemistry, cooking and dyet. II. Of animals, vegetables and agriculture, gems, metals, grammar and language, literature, poetry, logic, rhetoric, music, arithmetic, geometry, architecture, surveying, measuring, dialing, navigation; Military arts, fortifications, guns, astronomy, astrology, augury, magic, mathematical magic, dreams and shapes, literature, painting, colour and death, optics, angles, birds, inventions, the follies of ancient times, and the errors of men. With peculiar mysteries, experiments and curiosities therein (London, 1712). SCOLAR @ Newport Road: Ask at the desk. Carmarthen Collection, AG104.C8 1712.
Glanvill, Joseph Saducismus triumphatus: or, A complete and ordinary proof concerning witches and apparitions: in two parts. The first treating of their possibility. The second of their real existence (London: Third edition, with an addition, with two authentic but extraordinary stories of some Swedish witches, 1700). Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Octavos. BF1565.G5 1700.
Hammond, Henry, Of Superstition, (Oxford, 1645). Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Octavos, BL490.H2 1645. Hanmer, Meredith, The Jesuites banner : shewing their origin and success, their oaths and othe hypocrisies and superstitions .... With a tumult of late pamphlets [by Robert Parsons] secretly and rightly printed: a briefe commentary on two books, written in answere to M. Campions, the giving of the disputation &c, (London, 1581), Salisbury WG30(1581).
Lacy, John, The strange and wonderful prophecies of Mr. Christopher Love: Minister of the Gospel at Lawrence Jury, London; who was beheaded on Tower-Hill in the time of Oliver Cromwell, ... : with the most wonderful prophecies of the last revolution in France ... at large, : and Baxter's funeral candle in Wales, (London, 1794). Salisbury WG30 (1794).
Moore, Arthur W., The Folklore of the Isle of Man: Being an Account of the Myths, Legends, Superstitions, Customs, and Proverbs, Collected from Various Sources, with a General Introduction; and with Explanatory Notes to Each Chapter (London, 1891). Salisbury WC5.M.
Parker, Robert, A scholasticall discourse against the representation with the Antichrist in the rites: especially in the sign of the cross, (Middelburg, 1607). Cardiff Rare Book Collection: Early English Originals, BV197.S5.P2.
Prynne, William, Canterburies doome. Or the first part of the history of the conviction, indictment, condemnation, execution of William Laud late Arch-bishop of Canterbury: containing the several orders, articles, proceedings in parliament against him, from his first indictment to his tryall: together with the various evidences and proofs produced against him at the Lords Bar in the justification of the first branch of the Commons, charging him with his wise, strenuous endeavours to alter and corrupt the true religion of God, by the laws established among us. For introducing and establishing superstitions and idolatry in that manner, to an incomprehensible degree; And to reconcile the Church of England to the Church of Rome by some Jesuiticall policies practised: with his many answers to those proofs, evidences and commons answers thereto. Wherefore the Arch-prelates, many antiquities to be brought into the popery by degrees, are clearly found, and the ecclesiastical history of our church affairs, during his pontificall dominion, faithfully presented to the general view of the world (London, 1646). Cardiff Rare Book Collection: Early English Folios, DA396.L3.P7.
Roberts, Peter, Popular Cambrian Antiquities : or an account of some of the customs, traditions, and superstitions of Wales ; with observations on their origin &c, (London, 1815). Salisbury WG7.R.
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Shipton, Mother, The Life and Death of the Famous Mother Shipton; Containing an Account of Her Strange Birth and the Important Episodes of Her Life. Also Her Prophecies, Now Collected and Newly Explained, and Showing Some of the Most Remarkable Events That Have Happened or Will Happen (London 17 ??). Cardiff Rare Book Collection: First English Octavos. (កាសែតឯករាជ្យជាតិ ផ្សាយតាមបណ្តាញសង្គម ជូនលោកអ្នកនាងអានដោយមិនគិតថ្លៃ
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