ផ្សាយថ្ងៃទី 21 Jan 2025
(កាសែតឯករាជ្យជាតិ ផ្សាយតាមបណ្តាញសង្គម)
Indravarman I (Sanskrit: Indravarman I) (reigned 000-890 AD) reigned (877-889 AD) after receiving the throne, he was given the title "Dulivrajabat Thulijengvakarteng Aungsrindravarmandev" which translates to "King of the Northern Lands, Preah Karteng Aung Srindravarmandev" with a capital named "Hariharealay" (Kh-pronoun: Hariharealay) &(Foreingners text: Hariharālaya) in the Roluos region of Siem Reap. King Indravarman I was also a cousin of King Jayavarman III. At the end of the 9th century, he handed over his kingdom to his son, Yasovarman I, in 889 CE. It was then that his son founded the great city of Angkor, the foundation stone of the Angkor Empire in the early 10th century, a period of great influence for the Khmer people in Southeast Asia.
According to the stone carving records, Preah Ko Temple (K.713) was dedicated by "Saka.801" (Saka.801) on January 29, 880 AD, dedicated to three ancestors who were relatives of the king who had passed away. The central tower of the temple is dedicated to King Jayavarman II and his wife, "Dharanindra Devi", in the rock carving (K.320a), while the northern temple is dedicated to King Rudravarman and his wife, Rajendra Devi, in the rock carving (K.318a), and the southern temple is dedicated to his father, "Prithivarman" and his mother, "Prithidevi", in the rock carving (K.315a) & (K.713b). (Please wait to read in the next issue)
(កាសែតឯករាជ្យជាតិ ផ្សាយតាមបណ្តាញសង្គម)
Indravarman I (Sanskrit: Indravarman I) (reigned 000-890 AD) reigned (877-889 AD) after receiving the throne, he was given the title "Dulivrajabat Thulijengvakarteng Aungsrindravarmandev" which translates to "King of the Northern Lands, Preah Karteng Aung Srindravarmandev" with a capital named "Hariharealay" (Kh-pronoun: Hariharealay) &(Foreingners text: Hariharālaya) in the Roluos region of Siem Reap. King Indravarman I was also a cousin of King Jayavarman III. At the end of the 9th century, he handed over his kingdom to his son, Yasovarman I, in 889 CE. It was then that his son founded the great city of Angkor, the foundation stone of the Angkor Empire in the early 10th century, a period of great influence for the Khmer people in Southeast Asia.
According to the stone carving records, Preah Ko Temple (K.713) was dedicated by "Saka.801" (Saka.801) on January 29, 880 AD, dedicated to three ancestors who were relatives of the king who had passed away. The central tower of the temple is dedicated to King Jayavarman II and his wife, "Dharanindra Devi", in the rock carving (K.320a), while the northern temple is dedicated to King Rudravarman and his wife, Rajendra Devi, in the rock carving (K.318a), and the southern temple is dedicated to his father, "Prithivarman" and his mother, "Prithidevi", in the rock carving (K.315a) & (K.713b). (Please wait to read in the next issue)
Khmer History: King Indravarman I (877-889 AD) Part 1
Reviewed by សារព័ត៌មាន ឯករាជ្យជាតិ
6:00:00 AM

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