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Learn the guitar yourself: tips and tools

ផ្សាយថ្ងៃទី 20 Jan 2025

(កាសែតឯករាជ្យជាតិ ផ្សាយតាមបណ្តាញសង្គម)
You can learn anything you want to do. Education has never been more accessible than it is today. So anyone who wants to learn guitar should try teaching themselves. To help you with this, I’m going to share some free tools and tips that you can use to learn guitar on your own. It may sound overwhelming, but I’ve done it, so it’s definitely not that hard.
What’s the best way to learn guitar? Here’s what you need to do:
Get a room with a locked door
Accept your weaknesses
Record yourself playing the guitar
Use your wits
Practice when your chronotype wants you to
Use a stick
Try chewing gum
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The answer to this question lies in who "I" am. Your personality and desire to play the guitar will determine whether you need a teacher or not. If you want a guitar teacher, that's great. Do what's best for you.
But if you enjoy playing and you really want to learn guitar, you don’t need a teacher. (Sorry, guitar teachers. Many people don’t need us.)
The internet is full of information — so much that you can learn almost anything. So if you’re passionate about playing guitar, you can go to YouTube or Google and look up how to play your favorite songs.
Here’s how to teach yourself guitar. I want to share some of the tools I used when I was learning guitar. In a sense, these things are my guitar teachers.
Sometimes I still use ChordFind, usually when I’m looking for a complicated chord or one I’ve “made up.” It’s simple and perfect for beginners.
You can type in the chords you need to know, or you can do a reverse lookup of what you type in the fingerings and see what the chord is called. It’s been a staple in my studies, so it’s worth checking out.
Guitar Chart Physics I just finished telling you about chord finder websites — why do you need a chord chart? You need one hanging on your wall for quick reference.
When you’re just starting out, it can take a while to learn the basic major and minor chords. And you don’t want to waste time taking your hands off your guitar to download a website.
On the other hand, if you’re practicing and you can’t remember how to play a chord, just look up and see your chord chart on the wall. It’ll make things easier and you’ll learn faster.
Ultimate-Guitar.com is the place to go if you want the right chord progressions for your favorite songs. They’re not official chords, but guitar players with good ears put in the chords, then people vote for the best ones. So the most accurate ones rise to the top.
This site is a hub for learning guitar on my own. I just search for the song I want, find the highest-rated version, and play it until I get it down.
Because of the internet, you can learn how to do anything. The best example is YouTube. If you want to learn it, there’s probably a video for it. So if you think you’d do better with a teacher — by seeing someone do what you’re supposed to do — go to YouTube.
The only thing to remember is who you’re getting these virtual lessons from. Make sure the YouTuber knows what they’re talking about. You don’t want to learn bad technique that becomes a habit. Here are some ways to tell if a YouTube Guitar Teacher is legit:
How many subscribers do they have?
How many views, likes, and dislikes does this video have? What are people saying in the comments (generally in agreement/disagreement)? Source Listen To play your favorite songs, you have to play along with them. So you'll need some way to hear them.
You can use headphones or speakers, but I recommend speakers or your phone. You want to be able to hear your guitar clearly as well as the music. Once you have those tools, then you can move on to these instructions for learning to play guitar on your own. Get a room with a locked door. This may sound ridiculous, but here's why I included it: When you first start learning guitar, you're going to sound bad. Every guitarist starts here — Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, those guys from Dragon Force. And you don't want unsupportive people to discourage you.
When I was learning, I spent hours in my room every day, practicing by myself until my fingers hurt. And I'm glad there was no one around to witness it, otherwise I would have given up.
Accept your weaknesses. The first step to making progress is to admit that you need to make progress. So the first thing you need to do when learning guitar is to realize that you have a weakness. It could be your rhythm. It could be the size of your hand. Or maybe you just don't like the pain in your fingers.
Whatever it is, do it more. Focus on your weaknesses during your practice. It might not be fun, but you have to do it to get better.
Record yourself playing the guitar. Any musician will tell you how important it is to have an ear for the guitar. But when you’re learning the guitar on your own, you only have your ears.
That’s why you should record yourself. Pull out your phone and use your voice recorder to record yourself playing the song you’re learning. Come back a few days later, listen with a fresh ear. You’ll be able to hear what you can do better.
Use Finesse
Strumming can seem like the hardest part of playing the guitar for beginners. But it’s what separates the average guitarist from the great guitarist.
The trick with strumming is to use finesse. I see a lot of new players playing every strum like it’s the last song. But that’s okay, you can ease up a bit. In the words of Ned Schneebly1, “Loosey goosey baby. Loosey, loosey.” Playing in time and with varying speeds (soft/hard) is key.
Practice when your Chronotype wants you to. Chronotype2 determines when a person tends to sleep at certain times of the day. It basically tells you whether you’re a night owl or an early bird.
Your chronotype can also help you learn better at certain times of the day and less so at others. So knowing your chronotype5 can help you learn guitar better, as long as you practice when your chronotype says you should.
I’m not saying you shouldn’t practice during your “down” time, but practicing when you’re “on” can lead to better and faster results. Use Chunking. What is chunking? This is when you learn small activities or bits of knowledge at a time.
So instead of learning one big thing at a time, you can break that thing down into smaller tasks. Then your brain can connect the dots, building skills with all the parts. Just follow baby steps. One small thing a day will lead to many great things over time.
Try chewing gum. I can’t really do this method because my TMJ is starting to kick in, but you should try it. It’s a legitimate technique that can help you study better.
Baylor College of Medicine conducted 3 studies and found that “students who chewed gum had better final grades than those who didn’t chew gum.” The idea is that chewing gum helps circulate blood to the brain, thus relieving anxiety and stress and increasing alertness. Learning the guitar is different from learning math, but learning is learning.
Prepare for "The Hump" There's something every guitarist faces: the hump. Ask any guitarist about the "hump" and they'll know what I mean.
The hump is when you start to feel like your guitar playing is plateauing. Maybe you know some chords, you have a good feel for your strums, and you know some songs.
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But then you get stuck. Maybe it's a chord progression you can't get your head around or a pattern you're not used to playing.
And remember, every guitarist has had their own experiences, some longer than others. This is the ultimate test to see if you really want to play the guitar. If you have a real drive to play, you will be able to push it through deliberate and consistent practice. (The Independent Newspaper, published on social media, for you to read for free. If you want to support our publication, please contact our ABA account, Khmer money number: 500 708 383, US dollar number: 003 662 119
Learn the guitar yourself: tips and tools Learn the guitar yourself: tips and tools Reviewed by សារព័ត៌មាន ឯករាជ្យជាតិ on 6:00:00 AM Rating: 5

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